Province told to ignore critics, implement tax changes
Cut income tax, increase consumption tax and lower corporate tax. That's part of the message delivered by AIMS to the New Brunswick Select Committee on Tax REview.
Report card gives Mahone Bay an ‘E’ for expensive
The reaction from the Mahone Bay area of Nova Scotia on release of AIMS' interim Municipal Report Card for Nova Scotia.
The Middle East’s Moral Challenge to the West
Based on remarks by renowned Israeli journalist Caroline Glick, this Commentary reflects her powerful and thought-provoking message.
Does property tax make sense?
Property values are an archaic way to determine a tax bill, AIMS Executive Vice President Charles Cirtwill tells the Times & Transcript. He says municipal taxes should not be tied to the value of your home at all, but rather to the services you consume.
Board firings a lab experiment
This editorial in the Cape Breton Post builds on an earlier opinion piece by AIMS senior policy analyst Bobby O'Keefe. The editorial says it is time to ask some tough questions, "Should we have centralized school boards at all, how should local school governance work, and what should be the role of the Department of Education?"
Transportation Twinning Trans-Canada Highway Should Still Be a Priority
The twinning of remaining sections of the Trans-Canada Highway in Quebec is an important component in making Atlantica a success. With high fuel prices generating increasing interest in Long Combination Vehicles to improve efficiency, extra lanes are a must-have investment along an effective transportation corridor.
Atlantic Trucking Association to host International Transportation Summit
Billed as its first ever International Transportation Summit, the Atlantic Provinces Trucking Association plans a conference in October that will be of particular interest to the Atlantica concept.
Board chaos is good for the kids
In this op/ed in the Cape Breton Post, AIMS senior policy analyst Bobby O'Keefe ponders the usefulness of school boards. He points out the best student performance in the province takes place in school districts where the elected boards are in disarray.
U.S. Politician Takes Liking to Planned Canso Marine Terminal
A US congresswoman is eyeing a container terminal in Canso as Ohio's gateway to the world.
A councillor seeks value for money
This editorial in the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal uses the AIMS Interim Municipal Report Card, to show the need for fair value for the money taxpayers spend on municipal services. It says such information is vital if local councillors are to make informed and fair decisions.