Relax Trade Barriers and Reap Rewards
During a speech in Atlanta, Georgia, Canada's Industry Minister Jim Printice called for freer trade in the Western Hemisphere. He says both the US and Canada risk being left out if trade logistics and border infrastructure is not made a priority. His comments have a familiar ring for those interested in the potential of Atlantica.
Ports Support Bubbling for Halifax’s Potential as a North American Shipping Hub
As the Atlantica region looks well positioned to take advantage of further increases in trade betwene North America and global markets, this news story reviews strategies that seek to make the most of what these opportunities have to offer.
Weakening World Demand Hits New Hampshire Exporters
Get Permission
Transmission Line One of the Missing Links in Wind Farm Plan
Atlantica's wind potential in northern NB to generate much needed renewable energy has drawn attention to the need for transmission lines linking the supply region with markets in New England.
1,000 Megawatts N.S. Firm Exploring Feasibility of Two New Wind Farms in New Brunswick
With fossil fuel prices on the rise and growing interest and committments to find greener alternatives, windy weather may turn out to be a valuable resource making Atlantica a source of green energy.
Not all businesses need zero taxation
AIMS presentation to the New Brunswick legislative committee on tax reforms prompted this Letter to the Editor in the Telegraph Journal. Professor David Murrell suggests that a zero percent tax rate would be better targeted at exporters, which he says academics recognize as the true driver of economic development.
Culture’s friends, culture’s enemies: The tangled web of arts funding in Canada
Robert Fulford explores cultural bureaucracy and its impact on Canada's culture.
Corporate tax elimination unlikely, says province
As New Brunswick considers its tax reform options, the Finance Minister says cutting corporate income tax as suggested by AIMS is in the works, but he says cutting to zero is unlikely.
Promoting the gentle, good life to immigrants and expatriates far and wide
New Brunswick's campaign to attract ex-pats and immigrants to the province sells the province's lifestyle. But AIMS Executive Vice President Charles Cirtwill explains such a branding exercise will only work if there are the jobs to back it up.
Nix corporate income tax: Cutting corporate tax rates encourages businesses to invest in growth
AIMS' presentation before a New Brunswick legislative committee is the basis of this story on tax reform. AIMS Executive Vice President Charles Cirtwill explains how cutting corporate income tax will boost investment and he points out that businesses will still be on the hook for property taxes, consumption taxes as well as mandatory labour taxes.