Gateway to the North
In spite of the challenging conditions faced in Arctic transportation, development plans for the port facilities in Churchill, Manitoba, highlight the growing interest in new routes and what is needed to seize new opportunities; both valuable in the discussion over what is in store for Atlantica.
Nursing home needed a lot of patients when they want to recover their illness
The New Brunswick government is looking at its ageing population and talking about the need to plan now for more nursing home beds. In this story, AIMS Executive Vice President Charles Cirtwill points out that it is better for the private sector to supply the extra beds, then burden the province's taxpayers.
The Longer it is Put Off, the Worse it Will Get
Atlantica's success as a transportation hub between North American and global markets depends heavily on the state of infrastructure, both inside and outside the region. Key pieces of Canada's infrastructure are in need of repair at the same time as new investments need to be made.
Education in the News
This story, posted on an education weblog, explains how AIMS Executive Vice President Charles Cirtwill sees the future of post-second education. You can get pretty well any degree, from anywhere.
Ivy League dreams can come true
Charles Cirtwill, AIMS Executive Vice President, describes a new "bits & bytes" alternative to traditional university education in his presentation to the "What's Next?" policy forum held in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Future of schooling is online, local think tank says
The future of Higher Education is online. Charles Cirtwill, AIMS Executive Vice President, told participants at the What's Next? policy forum in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Cirtwill identified Mount Saint Vincent University as the local market leader in distance education allowing access to post secondary education to those that cannot participate in the traditional classroom model.
Canada’s Largest Port Poised to Make its Mark
The amalgamation of three ports on the west coast draws attention to an important lesson for ports in Atlantica and what they need to do to become competitive.
Industry Officials Looking at Canada’s Rail System
Attention to the rail system and how it fits into the overall set of links in transportation networks has an impact on the ability of ports to attract trade through Atlantica.
Stepping ‘off the edge of a demographic cliff’
AIMS President Brian Lee Crowley warns Canadians of the pending country-wide labour shortage at the 50th Annual General Meeting for the Association of Canadian Port Authorities. Crowley proposes cut backs to the public sector, encouraging the unemployed back into the labour force and implementing incentives for delaying retirement.
All for one and one for all
AIMS President Brian Lee Crowley argues that funding for ports in the region should focus on growth from the Port of Halifax. Increasing shipping to Halifax would be good for Atlantic Canada through spin-offs and better export opportunities for manufacturers.