Liberals to back away from tax reform?
As the global economic crisis deepens, New Brunswick Premier Shawn Graham says his government may have to back away from significant tax reform. AIMS Executive Vice President says it is actually the government's tax reform programme that will help the province and to delay is wrong.
The Beacon – 25 November 2008
Equalization, trade, terrorism and healt care are all covered in this edition of The Beacon.
Serious economic challenges may delay tax reform: N.B. premier
The New Brunswick government is hinting it will delay its tax reform initiative because of the global meltdown. Called for comment, AIMS President Brian Lee Crowley explained that the reform is needed. He says at the very least the government should begin phasing in the tax cuts.
A legacy for generation Z
This editorial in the Calgary Herald uses AIMS' work on non-renewable resource revenues to make its point. AIMS has repeatedly published material that tells Governments revenues from non-renewable resources (such as oil & gas) should not be squandered on day to day operations.
Christmas retail rush begins: Metro retail industry still booming despite uncertain economy
Christmas shopping may be keeping the stores full in Moncton, but AIMS Director of Research Ian Munro points out people may also be adjusting their spending given these troubled economic times.
Equalization: end the nightmare
The dream of equalization, of comparable services for all Canadians, has turned into the nightmare of entrenched disparity and dependence. In this op-ed, AIMS Executive Vice President Charles Cirtwill explains how equalization perpetuates the very inequities it is intended to diminish.
Don’t wait for minister, official says: Gateway Red tape, not infrastructure, blocks trade corridor, think-tank says
The news media turned to AIMS for comment on a go forward plan for the Atlantic Gateway in light of Ottawa's recent promise to set spending priorities.
Canada’s bubble economy
In this op-ed in the Toronto Star, AIMS Senior Fellow David MacKinnon explains that neither the nation nor Ontario can afford endless regional subsidies. He says the global economic environment has once more highlighted the problems with Canada's equalization programme and provides a few suggestions to fix the problem.
The Audacity of Trade
The compelling case for free trade. How trade makes us rich as well as free. Based on a talk to the North America Works Conference in Kansas City by Brian Lee Crowley.
Experts optimistic Obama will help Canadian economy
The impact on Canada of the election of Barack Obama to the presidency of the United States has experts guessing. In this article, AIMS executive Vice President Charles Cirtwill points out that any hint during the presidential election that Obama plans to reopen the North America Free Trade Agreement is a suggestion easier said than done.