Grading schools means changing expectations
This week the New Brunswick government followed AIMS' advice and started publishing school by school student achievement results. In this editorial, AIMS educational research was cited as proof that publishing school results on standardized testing and teacher assigned grades improves the quality of education.
Charles Cirtwill: Alternative Strategies for Post Secondary Education
This posting on The Clever Canuck blog explains that AIMS EXecutive Vice President Charles Cirtwill is on the right track when he talked about reforms within Canada's post-secondary education system.
Bioenergy N.B., N.S. need to catch up to Maine and Europe in using wood for energy
The closing meeting of the Atlantica Bioenergy Task Force in Orono, Maine, had a very clear message for industry - embrace bioenergy now or risk being left out.
Remind me again how gas regulation is “working”?
Gas price regulation costs money and we're the ones paying. That's the conclusion of a report commissioned by the Nova Scotia government. When the same government announced it will continue gas price regulation, AIMS Senior Policy Analyst Bobby O'Keefe had to ask why. The resulting op-ed appeared in newspapers across the province.
Standardized testing pays off for N.B. schools
Parents and students in New Brunswick have a new tool to help improve public education. The province is now releasing a report card of school by school results on how students do in provincial tests. In this op-ed, AIMS Senior Policy Analyst Bobby O'Keefe says it's a first step, the next is to push for local control and choice so the school community can use the information to improve student achievement.
Hands Off!
From iPhones to WiFi, the CRTC is looking to hold your hand along the new media cyber-road. This Commentary explains why the Commission needs to let go.
Bioenergy Conference unites industry researchers and funding partners
A conference in Oromocto, Main is attracting attention from all over the region. This story in the Telegraph-Journal focuses on the story of one young entrepreneur.
East Coast transportation priorities focus of forum
Atlantica and transportation take centre stage at a meeting in New Brunswick which brings together stakeholders from all over the region.
Back to Work: The Fall and Rise of Canada’s Traditional Values in the Face of Demographic Change
AIMS President Brian lee Crowley takes a look at the changing demographic and what it will mean to our society.
Grits should lock down salaries to help economy
New Brunswick's Speech from the Throne hints that the government's tax reform programme may be delayed because of the deepening global economic crisis. AIMS Executive Vice President Charles Cirtwill explains that tax reform cannot wait, particularly in tough times.