Federal cabinet minister promising millions more for ACOA
With federal politicians talking about ACOA spending another $30-million in the region, AIMS Executive Vice President Charles Cirtwill cautions about throwing money at unproven projects. He believes the extra funding to approve more projects is "problematic".
ACOA’s belated holiday gift
New Brunswick columnist Alec Bruce examined the extra $30 million being handed out by ACOA this year and turned to comments from AIMS Executive Vice President to balance his remarks.
Report takes on Atlantica challenge
A report on renewable energy technologies released by the Atlantica BioEnergy Task Force gained headlines throughout the region.
Stimulus you can believe in
As governments propose spending our way out of the economic meltdown, AIMS executive Vice President Charles Cirtwill proposes a less taxing stimulus. This op-ed appeared in newspapers across the country.
Bans on Strike Replacement Workers: Pouring oil on the fire
The fourth in the AIMS Labour Market Commentary Series examines the bans on strike replacement workers.
Another Voice / Drug reimportation: Without tort reform, effort won’t lower costs much
In this op-ed that appeared in the Buffalo News, AIMS President Brian Lee Crowley explains why drug re-importation from Canada will not solve the problem of rising prescription drug costs in the United States.
Unions strike new note: Organized labour confronts the financial crisis
As The National Post examined what it called the new union movement, it turned to AIMS for perspective.
North Shore wants role in Gateway initiative
AIMS President, Brian Lee Crowley, warns Northern New Brunswickers that a thorough cost/benefit analysis should take place before spending on infrastructure.
N.B. needs tax cuts now
AIMS Executive Vice President Charles Cirtwill praises the New Brunswick government for its commitment to reduce income taxes indicating that this move will mark the province as one of the most competitive in the country and will help the economy to rebound.
Workers’ Rights:
It’s not mandatory retirement that needs to be banned.