New Brunswickers can track cost of regulating gasoline prices
AIMS Money Guzzling Gas Regulation Gauge is helping New Brunswickers track how much they are losing with gas price regulation. AIMS Research Manager Bobby O'Keefe explains that New Brunswickers think they are saving money but they are actually doing the opposite.
It’s a pain in the octane
The Chronicle-Herald featured AIMS report on gas price regulation on its front page pointing out that gas price regulation is a long-term drain on your wallet.
Gas Price Regulation Costing Atlantic Canadians; AIMS
The AIMS Money Guzzling Gas Regulation Gauge stirred much debate on the cost to Atlantic Canadian consumers, including numerous news stories on VOCM Radio in Newfoundland and Labrador.
What’s Missing from your Wallet?
By February 1st, 2009, between extra payments to government and oil industry, gas price regulation cost consumers in Atlantic Canada more than $155-million. This background paper explains how price regulation is costing you, your neighbours and your guests money every time you fill up your tank.
Gouged at the Pumps:
Is gas price regulation worth the millions we pay?
Gouged at the Pumps:
The cost of gasoline price regulation – second by second.
The Beacon – 29 January 2009
This Beacon crosses the country with work on demographics to post-secondary education to the suggestion we borrow and spend our way to economic recovery. There's a little something for everyone.
Previewing the 2009 Federal Budget
In an interview with Global Television, AIMS Executive Vice-President Charles Cirtwill discusses the two billion dollars Harper's government is expected to empty into social housing across the nation and the looming deficit.
Let’s deregulate tuition fees
A presentation at Dalhousie University on post-secondary education, by AIMS Executive Vice-President Charles Cirtwill, has stirred debate among students on campus. The latest is this article that appeared in the Dal Gazette.
Different answers needed for looming workforce shortage
An AIMS paper on the developing problems within our workforce caused by the shifting demographics caused by the baby boomers prompted numerous comments from across the country, including this one in the Miramichi Leader.