NAFTA at 15: Assessing its Benefits, Accord has Boosted Jobs, Exports Across the U.S.
With the arrival of President Obama to Canada on February 19 there has been much debate on an "upgrade" to the NAFTA agreement. This report, published by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, examines trade between the nations.
Wood prices fluctuate; sustainable management practices available
A report prepared by Zander Evans was featured in the Biomass Magazine. It examines how biomass in the Atlantica region can meet the energy needs of the area and still leave forests healthier.
Our Orwellian world of politics
AIMS Research Fellow Harry Koza wrote this op-ed that appeared in the Montreal Gazette on the fiscal stimulus. Based on his Commentary, Who's irrationally exuberant now: Debt shy consumers or pump priming politicians?, Koza points out why "spend, spend, spend" is not the best message for these economic times.
Universities could see enrolment rise
With the economic downturn universities could see a rise in enrolment especially in the male population. AIMS Executive Vice-President Charles Cirtwill cautions that this may be giving people false hope for the future.
Tabusintac group to meet with minister
The community of Tabusintac in New Brunswick is lobbying for a new community-based school they want to build. Some say such projects are ill-advised, but AIMS Executive Vice-President Charles Cirtwill explains how these community-based schools can really benefit small communities.
The challenges are the opportunities
The borders between Canada and the United States remain quite congested and people continue to try and make trading between the countries more possible. A list of recommendations was created for the Obama Administration to make help make this possible.
We are paying for gas pricing
This op-ed appeared in the Telegraph-Journal in response to the commentary, AIMS research manager, Bobby O'Keefe wrote on gas price regulation in New Brunswick.
Are community schools the answer?
As the need for new schools in New Brunswick grows people begin to look at the advantages of building multi-use community schools. AIMS Executive Vice-President Charles Cirtwill explains how this can bring the center of the community back to the schools.
Despite recession, looming labour shortage big threat
AIMS' paper on the pending labour shortage by Jim McNiven continues to make headlines, including this article in Canwest News Service. AIMS President Brian Crowley suggests that the labour shortage will be Canada's greatest economic challenge over the next 50 years.
Why buying American could backfire
Perry Newman, a member of the AIMS Board of Directors, explains why buying American can backfire on Americans in this op-ed in the Bangor Daily.