Halifax school shows big improvement
AIMS Executive Vice-President Charles Cirtwill says Halifax schools have shown consistent improvement throughout the years in the AIMS Atlantic High School Report Card.
National coffee battle brewing
AIMS Executive Vice President Charles Cirtwill was contacted to comment on the potential war of the coffee, as McDonald's begins a buy breakfast get coffee free campaign.
N.S. high schools leading region, report says
AIMS released the 7th Annual High School Report Card which shows Nova Scotia schools are gradually improving.
Boiestown school N.B’s best
The Daily Gleaner in Fredericton headlined the AIMS 7th Annual Report Card on Atlantic Canadian High Schools in this story focusing on schools around the provincial capital.
AIMS Report Card is Out
Within minutes of the release of AIMS' Annual Report Card for Atlantic Canadian High Schools, news rooms were using the story. This article was used in broadcast and online newscasts.
AIMS 7th Annual Report Card on Atlantic Canadian High Schools
The authors of AIMS Annual Report Card on Atlantic Canadian High Schools are seeing progress. Progress at individual schools and progress in releasing information to the public, but they also see missed opportunities, and lots of them. AIMS' 7th Annual Report Card on Atlantic Canadian High Schools has the details.
Many Islanders still in the dark
What we don’t know may well hurt our kids
Hats off to progress?
More schools getting better than worse in Nova Scotia
Progress comes in all sizes:
Newfoundland and Labrador high schools are improving
Tracking the changes:
Some schools in both New Brunswick francophone and Anglophone systems show improvement