In Defence of Liberty: Help is on the Way
Classical liberal author and political thinker Charles Murray explains how developments in the 21st century will reformulate the case for liberty.
Surviving and thriving in an irrational world
Commentary based on remarks to the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association examines how local government can be made more relevant, accountable, and competitive.
The Beacon – 08 May 2009
AIMS 7th Annual Report Card on Atlantic Canadian High Schools is featured.
Using a wrench as a hammer: Why EI is the wrong tool to respond to loss of income in an economic downturn
This AIMS Commentary by UPEI economist Robin F. Neill examines the employment insurance program and finds it wanting.
Out with the new and in with the old
Remembering why we wanted Employment Insurance in the first place.
Critics blast wine price hike: NB Liquor’s advice to wine suppliers to boost prices called a tax grab
Advice from the New Brunswick liquor commission to wine suppliers to boost prices is soundly criticized in this news story. AIMS executive vice president Charles Cirtwill points out it is an example of why the government monopoly should be privatized.
Schools have mixed feeling about latest report card results
More and more principals say they use the AIMS annual high school report card to determine where they succeed and where they need to concentrate their efforts. This story includes one principal who sees the value of the report, and one who isn't so sure.
Despite recession, looming labour shortage big threat
AIMS' extensive research on the labour market and the impact of the demographic shift is used in this news story about the pending labour shortage.
Re-thinking education – 7th high school report card
For the seventh year in a row, Progress magazine featured the AIMS Annual Report Card on Atlantic Canadian High Schools. This year reporters took a look at education choice.
The Beacon – 29 April 2009
From municipal performance to fiscal policy to health care, this Beacon highlights AIMS most recent work regionally, nationally and internationally.