Study ranks Sherbrooke 6th
This report in the Sherbrooke Record provides an overview of AIMS' National Municipal Performance Report as featured in Maclean's magazine.
Dartmouth sewage plant troubles!! and Canada’s best run city isn’t Halifax!!
In his regular weekly column, Rick Howe touches on Halifax's less than stellar result in AIMS' National Municipal Performance Report.
City well-run, study finds
News of London's top ten finish in AIMS National Municipal Performance Report was welcome news in the Ontario city.
Halifax rates poorly on best-run cities list
Halifax's low-ranking in the AIMS National Municipal Performance Report is discussed in this news article from the Chronicle-Herald.
Burnaby, B.C., takes top spot in survey as ‘a model for the rest of Canada’
This story that ran on the CanWest News Service features the results of western cities in the AIMS National Municipal Performance Report.
Metro Vancouver cities among best run in Canada: survey
News that BC cities topped the AIMS National Municipal Performance Report were quickly picked up on website, including this update on The Vancouver Sun site.
Burnaby named best-run city in Canada
Not surprising the publication of AIMS' National Municipal Performance Report in Maclean's magazine prompted instant reaction in the top city, Burnaby, BC.
London one of Canada’s best-managed cities, survey says: Macleans ranking measures most services for lowest cost
News stories were circulating on the web within minutes of Maclean's publication of its Best (and Worst) Managed Cities edition based on AIMS' National Municipal Performance Report. This story appeared in the online edition of the London Free Press.
Islamism and the Infiltration Challenge
This is a transcript of remarks made by Marc Lebuis, Founder and Editor of Point de BASCULE in Montreal, to the 2009 Civitas National Conference.