Calls renewed for fiscal update
There are calls in New Brunswick to release a fiscal update. AIMS Executive Vice President Charles Cirtwill explains there should always be openness and transparency in government finances, but cautions fiscal forecasts, are just that - forecasts.
It’s Your Deficit Now Premier Dexter
In this op-ed that appeared in The Chronicle-Herald, AIMS Executive Vice President offers some advice for Nova Scotia's new premier. He points out that there are some tough fiscal decisions to be made, and they should not include the wasteful practices of the previous Tory government.
The future of unions: Are they a dying breed?
Commentary based on national radio interview with AIMS Executive Vice President Charles Cirtwill.
Atlantic Canada study group: HST helped bring prices down
The harmonized sale tax may be coming to more provinces across Canada. As the debate heats up in British Columbia, AIMS was asked to explain the impact of the HST in three of the four Atlantic provinces.
The Beacon – Special Edition – 05 August 2009
Information about the AIMS 15th Anniversary Dinner is featured in this special edition of The Beacon.
Greying Canada to turn job market upside-down
An AIMS paper on the population crunch prompts this Ottawa columnist to talk with experts about strategies to counter-act the pending demographic shift.
Recession is over
This article in an international electronic newsletter for ex-pats from the Philippines, uses Burnaby's results in AIMS' National Municipal Performance Report to promote the city.
Effectiveness of city hall measured by residents
The city hall report for the Barrie Examiner suggests AIMS National Municipal Performance Report is a valuable tool to make people think about the municipal services they receive and the taxes they pay for them. However, he says it's up to residents to decide whether the service is good at a good price.
London’s star is finally rising
The AIMS National Municipal Performance Report is used in this column to generate a discussion about accountability in London's City Hall.
Positive Next Generation survey a plus for Halifax
The AIMS National Municipal Performance Report continues to generate public discussion. This business column points out that such reports can be used to help improve cities so they are more attractive to the next generation of workers.