Reading it right: Education Province says it’s on right track raising literacy scores, critics say aim not high enough
AIMS incoming President Charles Cirtwill explains there's still lots of work to be done to improve literacy scores in New Brunswick. He says for starters the province needs to provide school choice, so parents can send their children to the school they think will provide the best education. Cirtwill says that will provide the incentive to schools and boards to work toward improving student performance.
Was Ontario too quick to fold agency’s hand?; Lotto, Gaming Corp.; Critics say moves made too fast, with little gained
A review by the Ontario government of spending by certain crown corporations and agencies, prompted this article in The National Post. AIMS Executive Vice President was asked whether the government is being a little over-zealous. He explains that accountability and transparency at all levels of government is important.
PM taps Ogilvie for upper house
AIMS Research Fellow in Post Secondary Education, Kelvin Ogilvie is moving to Ottawa, as a Senator in the House of Commons.
Poor literacy skills need aggressive intervention
AIMS Executive Vice President Charles Cirtwill explains how school choice provides for better education. He was part of an education panel at the national convention of the Institute of Public Administration of Canada.
Energy failure: New Brunswick’s plan for self-sufficiency has hit a snag
While the national media scoff at New Brunswick's plan for self-sufficiency, AIMS Executive Vice President Charles Cirtwill is supportive of the Liberal government's goal.
Capital city to host conference
AIMS President Brian Lee Crowley and Executive Vice President Charles Cirtwill join experts from across the country as panellists at the annual conference of the Institute of Public Adminisitration of Canada.
Regard neuf sur la société et le gouvernement
AIMS President Brian Lee Crowley and Executive Vice President Charles Cirtwill are keynote speakers at the national conference of the Institute of Public administration in Canada.
Standard & Poor’s reaffirms province’s AA- credit rating
AIMS Executive Vice President Charles Cirtwill explains that the latest credit rating for New Brunswick is a reasonable endorcement of the province's financial plan.
New deficit killers prepare to hack
This editorial in the Cape Breton Post uses research from AIMS to analyze the fiscal choices of Nova Scotia's new provincial government.
Down, but not out
As confidence in the economy returns, so too should private sector spending. The Telegraph-Journal called on AIMS Executive Vice President Charles Cirtwill to provide insight.