Falling Fast:
Atlantic Canada’s population crunch coming sooner and harder.
An Economic Future with Smaller Numbers
Atlantic Canada has fewer people than projected just a decade ago, and more of us are in the older demographic. In other words we are fewer than expected and older than expected. This paper is an update of AIMS' research more than a decade ago that first pointed to the looming population crunch
Nova Scotia Power awaits rate decrease approval
AIMS President and CEO Charles Cirtwill points out that while it is good news that Nova Scotia Power has applied for a cut in rates, the sale of NB Power to Quebec Hydro will give New Brunswickers much cheaper and more stable prices for the next few years.
Contention grows amid Gateway ranks
In this news article, AIMS President and CEO Charles Cirtwill points out that people promoting the Atlantic Gateway need to put petty differences aside and start working together as one entity.
New England’s power utilities disconcerted
As people begin to review and discuss the proposed sale of NB POwer to Hydro Quebec, more reporters are turning to AIMS' author Gordon Weil for insight. In this article Weil explains that the made in Canada deal may end up before the US regulatory board.
Atlantic Canada’s aging population and expected labour shortages
This blog uses AIMS' extensive research on demographics and the impact of our aging population to make its point.
Canadian power deal creates challenges for Maine energy policy
AIMS' author Gordon Weil exaplins in this article in The Kennebec Journal the impact on Maine of the prpoposed sale of NB Power to Hydro Quebec.
N.B. Power Deal: Good News Not Bad
AIMS author Thomas Adams and AIMS past president Brian Lee Crowley reviewed the proposed sale of NB Power to Hydro Quebec. They say it makes a lot of sense in this op-ed that appeared in newspapers in both New Brunswick and Newfoundland.
Sale may face regulatory challenges
This op-ed by AIMS' author Gordon Weil points out there may be some regulatory concerns about the sale of NB Power to Hydro Quebec. He also suggests the province should maintain some control.
Energy hub still on track: Keir
The potential sale of NB Power to Hydro Quebec has people wondering what happens to the province's paln to be an energy hub. AIMS president Charles Cirtwill says that's still doable, but cautions the success may still rest with the details of the sale.