Tories promise to reveal details if elected
The latest Weil analysis of the deal to sell NB Power to Hydro Quebec published by AIMS made it to the floor of the New Brunswick legislature. This story relates the exchange between opposition MLAs and Energy Minister Jack Keir including his opinion of the latest analysis.
Hydro-Québec would have nearly exclusive use of N.B. grid: analysis
The discussion around the sale of NB Power to Hydro Quebec continues with AIMS latest analysis of the deal by Gordon Weil. This article in the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal includes comments from Energy Minister Jack Keir who dismisses the analysis.
Power pact worries remain: analyst
AIMS' latest analysis of the deal to sell NB Power to Hydro Quebec made headlines around New Brunswick. Author Gordon Weil expains in this article what his concerns are with the revised deal.
Comments on the New NB – HQ Agreement
Energy consultant William Marshall weighs in on the latest deal to sell NB Power assets to Hydro Quebec.
Inside the power deal
Energy consultant William Marshall continues his comment on the latest proposal to sell NB Power assets to Hydro Quebec.
Premier needs to change tactics
AIMS President & CEO Charles Cirtwill is asked to weigh in with academics on the handling by the provincial government of the proposed sale of NB Power to Hydro Quebec.
Behind the classroom door
The Atlantic Institute for Market Studies (AIMS) in cooperation with the Frontier Centre for Public Policy (FCPP) release the broadest set of public information ever presented on Western Canadian high schools.
The good, the okay and the really bad:
AIMS and the Frontier Centre release Interim High School Report Card for Western Canada
School Information Now On-Line
AIMS Interim Report Card for Western Canadian High Schools became an instant hit in all four provinces. This internt news site supports the report and explains why releasing information publicly helps our children.
B.C. collects the most information about schools, study says
The Vancouver Sun highlights the AIMS Interim Report Card for Western Canadian High Schools.