‘We’re not going to build it’
The proposed sale of NB Power to Hydro Quebec has Newfoundland and Nova Scotia talking about a subsea transmission line to the New England market. In this article, AIMS President & CEO explains that it may just be too costly for private investors to get a quick return on their money, and too much for the public purse.
AIMS names new Vice President
Halifax – The Atlantic Institute for Market Studies (AIMS) has a new Vice President. AIMS President & CEO Charles Cirtwill today named Barbara Pike to the position. Pike has been with AIMS for five years [...]
Quebec, N.B. claim new sale agreement on Crown utility benefits both provinces
When the New Brunswick government announced revisions to its proposed deal to sell NB Power to Hydro Quebec, it invited AIMS to the pre-announcement briefing. After the announcement, AIMS vice president Barbara Pike explained that the deal still makes New Brunswick extremely competitive, but does not address concerns over transmission capacity.
Transition won’t hinder Gateway funds: minister
AIMS president and CEO Charles Cirtwill explains why the appointment of a new minister responsible for the Atlantic Gateway shouldn't affect progress on gateway projects.
Irving firm’s energy plan a counter offer: AIMS
The battle for electricity continues to head up in Atlantic Canada with the formation of a new company aimed at forming a regional electricity transmission system in Atlantic Canada. AIMS President and CEO Charles Cirtwill points out what is being proposed is exactly what was called for in a 2003 AIMS paper.
N.B. makes smaller deal with Hydro-Quebec
In this article, AIMS is asked to comment on the latest proposal to sell NB POwer to Hydro Quebec.
dexter rejette l’ide d’un cble sous-marin pour exporter de l’lectricit
This story in the French language media explains Nova Scotia's position on the sale of NB Power assets to Hydro Quebec. AIMS President and CEO Charles Cirtwill explains the latest proposal does not provide any additional transmission rights to Nova Scotia.
Amended NB Power contract pleases Dexter
AIMS continues to be on the front lines of the public discussion on the sale of NB Power to Hydro Quebec. This story by The Canadian Press was carried by newspapers across the country.
Danny Williams still upset over NB Power deal
In this article in the Globe and Mail, AIMS author Gordon Weil explains that any deal to sell any part of NB POwer to Hydro Quebec will undergo serious review by US regulators.
N.S. premier happy with changes to deal with Hydro-Quebec
AIMS President & CEO is asked to comment on changes to the proposal to sell NB Power to Hydro Quebec. He points out that while the transmission lines will stay with NB Power, transmission capacity hasn't changed.