Opponents of NB Power deal back long-term energy contracts
The Weil analysis of the sale of NB Power, published by AIMS, continues to drive the discussion around the proposed deal. Weil was one of the speakers at an "options" conference organized by a group opposed to the sale.
Northern regions would benefit from strategic investment
AIMS President & CEO Charles Cirtwill explains in this story why it is more important to look at how regional development money is spent rather than how much is spent. He says tax-based incentives are better development tools than handing over money to failing business.
A Balancing Act:
Drawing on AIMS' extensive research on fiscal policy, economist Don McIver provides the steps for Nova Scotia to get back in balance and stay there.
Reform unprincipled equalization system
This op-ed in The National Post by AIMS' fellow David MacKinnon mirrors much of AIMS research on equalization, explaining that those provinces footing the bill actually get less that equalization receiving provinces.
Ideas Matter 6
The sixth edition of AIMS' public policy magazine Ideas Matter takes a revised look at Atlantica and provides an update on what has been accomplished and what is left to do.
Manitoba can’t get any respect
AIMS senior fellow in fairness in confederation, David MacKinnon, explains one of Manitoba's problems is that 40-cents of every dollars it receives come from Ottawa, which is really the taxpayers from across the country.
Conversation needs rebalancing
In this op/ed, AIMS President and CEO Charles Cirtwill shares his thoughts on balancing the Nova Scotia budget. He says a balanced discussion is needed that includes tax cuts and increases, program cuts and program improvements. It's worth consideration by all governments, not just Nova Scotia.
Let the discussion continue:
AIMS publishes response to Weil analysis of NB Power MOU
Response to an Analysis: Comments on the Weil Analysis of the NB Power MOU
Energy consultant and former NBSO chair Bill Marshall weighs in on the MOU to sell NB Power to Hydro Quebec.
Report: pact cuts risk
As Atlantic Canadians continue to discuss the proposed sale of NB Power to Quebec Hydro, more and more are turning to AIMS for answers. This story in an NB newspaper is based on AIMS' release of a response to its Gordon Weil analysis of the MOU.