So what can we do?
In this commentary, AIMS Board Chair John Risley discusses the economic challenges facing Canada, and emphasizes the need for a prosperous global economy with which Canada can trade.
A tale of two Nova Scotias, and may the best one win
In this op-ed, AIMS President and CEO Charles Cirtwill says the new Conservative majority sparked two public-relations campaigns in our region: one government-led effort to start laying the foundation for the upcoming renegotiation of federal transfers to the provinces, and one privately led and publicly fed campaign to get our "fair share" of the federal shipbuilding contract for our local yards.
Gas regulation: five years of folly
The Atlantic Institute for Market Studies estimates that across our region, consumers have paid $155 million more than if gasoline markets had remained unregulated.
Wow, but at what cost?
In this commentary, AIMS Board Chair John Risley discusses China’s importance in the world, and emphasizes that China needs to be a leader in human rights as well as wealth creation.
Friday the 13th
In this commentary, AIMS Research Fellow Harry Koza explains that the history of the suspicion surrounding Friday the 13th stems from an old sovereign debt crisis back in the fourteenth century.
The Beacon – 12 May 2011
Tony Bislimi explains how the education establishment embellishes international results. Michael Zwaagstra's ten-part series on education is featured on AIMS blog Straight Talk! AIMS Communications Officer Paige T. MacPherson criticizes 'equal opportunity' hiring policies in Canadian politics in AIMS blog post "Thank you sir, but I don't need your seat." Bill Black explains how Haligonians can reduce their commute.
Trim school boards, not schools — critic
AIMS President and CEO Charles Cirtwill says Nova Scotia’s eight-school board system is unnecessary or at least in need of a serious trimming.
We’re number…34!
In this commentary, Bislimi Group Foundation founder and president Tony Bisimli explains how the education establishments in Canadian provinces embellish international results, which has serious repercussions for Canadians.
Commuter Cut
In this commentary, Bill Black of New Start Nova Scotia discusses the great opportunity to make commuting in Halifax easier, by better using our south end port lands and the rail cut that accesses them.
Mission Accomplished
In this commentary, AIMS Board Chair John Risley writes that those contributing to the public policy debate on climate change need to exercise more transparency and more research into all possible sources.