The Effectiveness of the Common Drug Review in Canada’s National Drug Strategy
This paper examines the degree to which provincial drug plans reflect the results of the Common Drug Review, ultimately finding that the review has NOT resulted in consistent availability to pharmaceuticals across the provinces.
Up, Down or Sideways
AIMS Board Chair John Risley predicts politicians in the US and UK will unfortunately wait until things get worse before they attempt to remedy the current economic crisis.
Demanding more money – again
AIMS Research Fellow David MacKinnon argues that PEI needs to ensure they approach other Canadians for financial support in an informed way, showing understanding of the circumstances of the people they are seeking money from - none of which is present in the PEI government's recent appeal to Ottawa.
Still awaiting response
Adam Davies from Pugwash writes that the school board and elected officials must acknowledge the findings in AIMS' Ninth Annual Report Card on Atlantic Canadian High Schools and offer an explanation if they wish to remain relevant.
Investing in children
Providing structured early childhood education is socially and economically beneficial, yet does not top the education agenda. AIMS contributor Paul W. Bennett considers whether government should offer universal childcare programs or target support where it will do the most good.
Average does not fit all
AIMS President and CEO Charles Cirtwill argues that there's no crisis in education and that's the underlying problem. Our public education system isn't bad, but remains largely inflexible to individual need and special circumstances.
Special Report on Education
The ninth annual AIMS Atlantic Canadian High School Report Card tackles the question: How to make progress? View three op-eds on the topic by AIMS staff and contributors.
Nova Scotia health care system weakest link
This article references an op-ed by AIMS Health Policy Fellow David Zitner regarding the secrecy in Nova Scotia's public healthcare system.
Monica Townson: Finance Ministers bungled pension reform when they chose PRPPs over Big CPP
Harry Koza's AIMS' Commentary, "Doin' the PRPP Walk" is contrasted with a CCPA report which prefers a mandatory, government Big CPP.
Campbell named to AIMS board
Mount Allison University president and vice-chancellor Dr. Robert Campbell has been named to the Atlantic Institute For Market Studies board of directors.