Is The Education System Failing Students?
Callers react to the first snow storm of the season. Is the education system failing students?
Rescuing Special Needs Kids
Education options for special needs students in Nova Scotia- expanding the Nova Scotia Tuition Support Program.
Marking Stress
Michael Zwaagstra is a Manitoba high school teacher and AIMS Fellow in Common Sense Education. He is the co-author of "What's Wrong with our Schools and How We Can Fix Them."
Maritime Noon: Do high schools adequately prepare students for university?
Michael Zwaagstra, AIMS Fellow in Common Sense Education Reform argues that high schools do not adequatley prepare students for university.
Saskatchewan high schools ranked
Glentworth Central School in the Prairie South School Division is No. 1 in the province, according to latest report card by the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies (AIMS) and the Frontier Centre for Public Policy (FCPP) ranking high schools throughout Saskatchewan.
For Immediate Release: Second Annual Western High Schools Report Card Released
AIMS and FCPP released the second annual Report Card on Western Canadian High Schools (Manitoba and Saskatchewan edition). The report card ranks high schools from Manitoba and Saskatchewan based on the AIMS model.
Second Annual Report Card on Western Canadian High Schools
AIMS and FCPP have released the second annual Report Card on Western Canadian High Schools (Manitoba and Saskatchewan edition), which ranks high schools from Manitoba and Saskatchewan based on the AIMS model.
Small town high schools get highest ranking in Sask.
For the second year in a row Saskatchewan rural high schools have been ranked higher than those in larger cities, according to an AIMS and FCPP study that graded 170 schools.
Time to consider health-care lodgers
In this op-ed, AIMS Senior Fellow Don McIver makes the case for Canada to actively encourage inbound medical tourism to help curb some of the financial pressures facing our public healthcare system.
Why not gauge progress with a follow-up exam?
In this op-ed, AIMS Fellow in Common Sense Education Michael Zwaagstra argues that standardized testing should occur in both grade 10 and 12- not just one or the other.