Atlantica: Moncton’s New Neighbourhood in the Global Economy. AIMS addresses Greater Moncton Chamber’s AGM
Atlantica is at the intersection of three powerful trade relationships, NAFTA, EU-NAFTA and the so-called Suez Express route from Asia. Atlantica’s continental neighbourhood is also now dominated by three increasingly coherent and powerful economic regions with well-defined and consciously pursued economic interests: the Quebec City to Windsor Corridor, the New Atlantic Triangle and Appalachia. For the International Northeast to flourish amidst these powerful dynamics, three imperatives beckon to the region: a transport intensive economy; continental integration; and coordinated efforts focusing on regional coherence building. In this keynote talk to the AGM of the Greater Moncton Chamber of Commerce, AIMS president Brian Lee Crowley laid out a new conceptual framework for thinking about the International Northeast Economic Region, or Atlantica.