Quotas key to profitable, sustainable fishery – Give fishermen control
New Zealand and in Iceland did it. Why can’t we? What these two fishing nations did was to revolutionise their fisheries by giving fishermen, not politicians, ownership and control over the fish through Individual Transferable Quotas (ITQs). But while the experience from around the world is that ITQs improve conservation, economic returns from fishing, safety, and standards of living for fishermen while improving relationships with the government regulators. Yet progress in implementing ITQs in Canada, while important, has been slow and halting. In this article published in the Halifax Chronicle Herald and the Moncton Times & Transcript, October 22, 2003, AIMS President Brian Lee Crowley says that if the federal Minister of Fisheries and Oceans is serious about creating a sustainable fishery that creates wealth for coastal communities and isn’t merely a way to get stamped up for EI, he needs to champion this change.