Checking the Math on Childcare (Global News)
Ian Munro appears on Global TV to discuss his recent paper "Checking the Math on Childcare".
Ian Munro appears on Global TV to discuss his recent paper "Checking the Math on Childcare".
AIMS Education Fellow Michael Zwaagstra tackles the issue of classroom distractions in the learning process.
The electoral influence of Atlantic Canada has been diluted with the addition of 30 seats to the House of Commons because none of them will be in the Atlantic region.
For undergraduate education to improve, universities will have to prioritize teaching undergraduate students, says AIMS Fellow Rodney Clifton.
Wensveen and Navarro-Genie illustrate how when New Brunswick's NBLC went into the beer brewing business, it was unable to change the fundamental structure of how consumer tastes and prices work in the market.
People who can afford it should be encouraged to pay some of the cost of their own inexpensive care.
For immediate release: September 10, 2015 Halifax, NS – The Atlantic Institute for Market Studies (AIMS) is proud to announce its partnership with the Nova Scotia Co-operative Council in their search for effective and immediate solutions to barriers in the delivery of clinical care. The two organizations are coming together to stand against stagnation, lack [...]
By: Joann Alberstat
Election campaign should focus more on Canada's crumbling "fiscal architecture" among other important, yet ignored, concerns, says AIMS Fellow David McKinnon. By: Robert Benzie
Volume XXI, no. 11