Making the best of it:
Smarter taxation for HRM
Smarter taxation for HRM
Property taxes, municipal services, increasing costs, bigger potholes - all are part of the reality of today's urban centre. This paper examines taxation in the Halifax Regional Municipality and recommends how municipal taxation can be more efficient and accountable.
Poor east-west road conditions in the Atlantica region are seen as one of the major hurdles that must be overcome to seize new opportunities in trade and transportation. The Northeast CanAm project is examining what needs to be done and a proposed private highway linking the Maritimes to Quebec via Maine looks promising, especially given the importance of trucking in the region.
An art exhibit in Saint John, New Brunswick is heralded as another example of the success of Atlantica. Featuring works by Maine artist Bernard Langlais, the exhibit is heralded as proof that stronger cultural ties, as well as economic ties, are crucial to the success of the region.
A $240 million expansion project would allow natural gas reserves off the coast of Nova Scotia to energize markets beyond Atlantica.
In this article from the Halifax Chronicle-Herald, William Forrestall says school choice is a human right that is being denied in Atlantic Canada. A member of an NB school board, he says "Atlantic Canada’s education bureaucrats’ mastery is not successful student outcomes, but protecting their monopoly funded fiefdoms from the competitive checks and balances that define education in normal democratic societies."
AIMS Senior Fellow in Fairness in Confederation; the Ontario Perspective David MacKinnon explains why equalization is anything but equal.
AIMS appoints MacKinnon as Senior Fellow
New Brunswick is working on a plan to boost its population, but AIMS points out the plan should also also look at demogrpahics.
The lengthy strike at St. Thomas University in New Brunswick could have an effect around the region.