Government hand-outs to business doomed to failure
AIMS Director of Research Ian Munro explains why government propping up failing business makes no economic or business sense.
AIMS Director of Research Ian Munro explains why government propping up failing business makes no economic or business sense.
This editorial in The Cape Breton Post uses statements by AIMS Director of Research Ian Munro to make its point about the need for accountability in government spending.
During a speech in Atlantic Canada, former New Brunswick Premier Frank McKenna called for major tax reform. As this article in the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal points out, McKenna's comments echo what AIMS has said for years.
When a proposal was made in New Brunswick for a privately-run rehabilitation centre, the media turned to AIMS for comment. Executive Vice President Charles Cirtwill explained some of the advantages of privately run centres within the public health care system.
Nova Scotia columnist Ed McHugh uses AIMS' 6th annual Report card on Atlantic Canadian High Schools for his weekly column in the Bedford community newspaper. He applauds AIMS for its initiative and points out that schools should use the information to make improvements.
The Maryland Public Policy Institute turned to AIMS first, when it sought expert analysis of a proposal for state-wide universal health care in its state. The resulting collaboration is this paper, jointly published by both public policy think tanks.
Although a new highway in Maine will benefit the trucking industry and improve connections in the Atlantica region; the project spills over into electrical, natural gas transmission lines and communications networks.
This op/ed by AIMS Director of Research Ian Munro appeared in numerous newspapers around nova Scotia. He explains why the province consistently ends up at the bottom of the list for any review of provincial fiscal management.
Canadian and US Think Tanks Release Joint Evaluation on Universal Health Care in Maryland
As energy and LNG can play an important role in the future of Atlantica, this story out of Houston shows the region isn't the only area interested in being the energy hub of eastern North America.