Radio: Highly Effective First Nations
Many First Nations are strong examples of good governance and financial success. A new study of 21 indigenous communities, including Nova Scotia's Membertou First Nation, shows that prosperous groups do many things in common. Successful First Nations seize local economic opportunities, whatever their form. They are fiscally responsible. They make good governance a priority and support strong leaders. [...]
Radio: e-Government
Delivering effective government services is important for policymakers to get right. Unfortunately, Atlantic Canada lags behind in offering e-services through the internet and mobile devices. Effective e-government makes dealing with state agencies more efficient and convenient for taxpayers and businesses. E-government can also give jurisdictions a competitive economic edge. For instance, the Eastern European country of Estonia has [...]
Atlantic Provinces should make e-government a priority
By JACKSON DOUGHART (Policy Analyst) and JAN PAVEL (Author, e-Government in the Atlantic Provinces) • The Journal-Pioneer, 04 Oct 2016 • Charlottetown Guardian, 05 Oct 2016 The effective delivery of government services is important for individuals, families and businesses. This is why the transfer of more services to the internet has become a priority for many jurisdictions around the world. [...]
Seven Habits of Highly Effective First Nations
HALIFAX, NS & CALGARY, AB – The Atlantic Institute for Market Studies, in partnership with the Frontier Centre for Public Policy, today released a study about economic and political development among First Nations. Seven Habits of Highly Effective First Nations is co-authored by Dr. Tom Flanagan, Chair of the Aboriginal Futures program at Frontier and Professor Emeritus at the University of [...]
Marco Navarro-Génie on Seven Habits of Highly Effective First Nations (in French)
On Oct 6, 2016, AIMS President Marco Navarro-Génie was a guest on Radio-Canada Halifax to discuss the AIMS study "Seven Habits of Highly Effective First Nations," authored by Tom Flanagan and Lee Harding. The interview is in French.
Seven Habits of Highly Effective First Nations
A Report by Tom Flanagan and Lee Harding Seven Habits of Highly Effective First Nations examines 21 First Nations in Canada who scored highly on the 2011 Community Well-being Index (CWB), which is computed by researchers at the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs (INAC) after each census. The CWB index includes Statistics Canada data related to incomes, labour market participation, [...]