David Murrell on CBC: Nova Scotia’s low savings rate
On May 25, AIMS Author David Murrell joined Bob Murphy on CBC Mainstreet to discuss Nova Scotia's low household savings rate. For more, please see Household Savings in Atlantic Canada, 1981-2015.
Maritime households have lowest savings rate in Canada
HALIFAX, NS – A new study released today shows a low rate of household savings by Maritimers. While New Brunswick has an improved savings rate from the previous decade (following a modest upturn throughout Canada), Prince Edward Island’s household savings have remained constant. Meanwhile, Nova Scotia’s have worsened, with an average annual savings deficit of over $1,000. Household Savings in [...]
Household Savings in Atlantic Canada, 1981-2015
Household Savings in Atlantic Canada, 1981-2015 discusses a low rate of household savings by Maritimers. While New Brunswick has an improved savings rate from the previous decade (following a modest upturn throughout Canada), Prince Edward Island’s household savings have remained constant. Meanwhile, Nova Scotia’s have worsened, with an average annual savings deficit of over $1,000. In the 1980s, the [...]
Radio: Nova Scotia Municipalities Squeezed
Outside Halifax, Nova Scotia municipalities face a financial squeeze. With increasing spending obligations to meet higher service standards, the cost of operating a local government is rising. Meanwhile, the property tax base is declining from ageing and outmigration. Municipalities need more money to afford water and wastewater, bridges, road infrastructure, and fire and police services. This trajectory is [...]
Skipping the Canadian Market
By SYLVAIN CHARLEBOIS (AIMS Senior Fellow) Troy Media, 23 May 2017 Skippy peanut butter and Dad’s chocolate chip cookies are now gone from the Canadian marketplace. If you feel sad bout seeing these iconic brands go, brace yourselves. This is just the beginning. Within days of each other we have learned that two major food multinationals have pulled well-known brands from [...]