Do marketing boards near their demise?
By Sylvain Charlebois Canada’s supply management system is a textbook case for food sovereignty. But the social contract it represents may need to be redrafted in NAFTA renegotiations. Supply management is a social contract between farmers and consumers. Canada’s quota regime for the dairy, egg and poultry industries was set up decades ago to protect strategic agricultural sectors. Farmers produce what the domestic market [...]
Regulated gasoline pricing costly for consumers: AIMS
The St. John's Telegram reported Thursday on AIMS' recent paper, What's Still Missing from Your Wallet? Quoting AIMS President Marco Navarro-Genie, the article also restated the amounts by which consumers have overpaid for gasoline in each Atlantic province.
What’s Still Missing From Your Wallet?
What’s Still Missing from Your Wallet by Marco Navarro- Génie is an analysis that returns to a previous study done in 2009, in which the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies examined the adverse effects of gasoline price regulation in Atlantic Canada. Just as What’s Missing from Your Wallet proved, this current study demonstrates how controlling prices are not economically [...]
Operations Manager Alex Whalen Quoted in Telegraph-Journal
AIMS Operations Manager Alex Whalen was mentioned in an article on the softwood lumber trade in the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal Wednesday. From the article: 'Alex Whalen with the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies said in an interview that with NAFTA talks beginning, softwood lumber remains New Brunswick's “central worry."'
Alex Whalen in the Telegraph Journal
On August 14th, 2017, Operations Manager Alex Whalen commented on the softwood lumber dispute in an interview with Adam Huras from the Telegraph Journal. Full article can be read here
Days of Supply Management May Finally Be Coming to an End
By SYLVAIN CHARLEBOIS (AIMS Senior Fellow) Canadian Investment,11 August 2017 Exchange Magazine,15 August 2017 The Guardian,14 August 2017 Canada’s supply management system is a textbook case for food sovereignty. But the social contract the system represents may need to be redrafted as we head toward North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) renegotiations. Supply management is a social contract between farmers [...]