New Brunswickers pay higher prices at the pumps than other Canadians, report says
CBC NB published an article Saturday on AIMS' new gas regulation study, quoting AIMS president Marco Navarro-Genie. From the article: "The institute found that Atlantic Canadians are paying more at the pumps than other Canadians. In New Brunswick, the Energy and Utilities Board sets a maximum price every Wednesday night. Marco Navarro-Génie, CEO of AIMS, said government has more pressing things to work on than [...]
Gas Study Mentioned in 919 The Bend
AIMS' 2017 gas regulation study and President Marco Navarro-Genie were mentioned in an article by Moncton's 919 The Bend on Friday.
Rock Lobster
By SYLVAIN CHARLEBOIS (AIMS Senior Fellow) Troy Media,14 August 2017 Let’s face it: lobsters are not easy on the eyes. The first person to discover that these hideous crustaceans were edible deserves a medal or two. At one time, lobster was the poor man’s protein that was fed mainly to prisoners. These days, however, the chicken of the sea is [...]
Telegraph-Journal Reports on New Gas Study
On Thursday the NB Telegraph-Journal reported on AIMS' new study on gas price regulation, What's Still Missing from Your Wallet?, quoting author and AIMS President Marco Navarro-Genie.
AIMS Report Mentioned in Global News
In a report by Global News on Thursday, AIMS' recent study on gas price regulation was featured, with a quote from Marco Navarro-Genie. The report also mentions the 2015 Nova Scotia gas shortage as a consequence of price ceilings.
Reconsidering Gasoline Price-Fixing for Atlantic Canada
By Marco Navarro-Génie (AIMS President and CEO) Marco Navarro-Génie is the author of the AIMS study "What's Still Missing From Your Wallet?" Troy Media,18 August 2017 Canadian Investor,21 August 2017 Even if well-intentioned, gasoline price-controlling takes from the poor, is antithetical to properly functioning markets, and is a major price to pay for the minor benefit of having less mercurial [...]