Grocers Hitting the Refresh Button
BY Sylvain Charlebois (AIMS Senior Fellow) Downsizing is never easy, no matter what. And just weeks away from the Holidays, reducing staff is not good for morale. Yet changes in the grocery industry is causing grocers to rethink store structures, which includes laying off staff. Metro has let 250 people go in recent weeks. Loblaw also announced 500 layoffs earlier in [...]
New Brunswick and the Laffer Curve
By Patrick Webber (AIMS Research Associate) Sometimes governments increase tax rates but actually end up with less tax revenue. New Brunswick is a good example of this paradox. The province’s income tax rates have been erratic over the last decade, particularly for the top tier of earners. The top rate of provincial income tax decreased from 17.95% in 2008 [...]
Let private enterprise retail cannabis in Nova Scotia
By Marco Navarro-Génie (AIMS President) Allowing private cannabis retailers in Nova Scotia would be most consistent with the One Nova Scotia Report and good for entrepreneurs. Yet, the online survey the Nova Scotia government organised to “consult” the public about cannabis distribution betrayed a preference for the Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation (NSLC) to monopolise retail. New Brunswick and Ontario will expand [...]
FORMER AIMS President in Herald
Former Atlantic Institute for Market Studies President Brian Lee Crowley was mentioned in an article on exploring a hyperloop tunnel option for Halifax, as well as AIMS, published by the Chronicle Herald. Read here
Canadians are ready to bring down interprovincial trade barriers
Halifax, November 28, 2017 – Canadians are unequivocal: 89% think they should be allowed to bring any legally purchased product from one province to another, according to an Ipsos poll commissioned by the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies (AIMS), the Canadian Constitution Foundation (CCF), and the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI). “Clearly, Canadians understand the advantages of free trade and want to [...]
AIMS Release: Canadians are ready to bring down interprovincial trade barriers
On November 28th, the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies published a press release detailing the institute's collaboration with the Canadian Constitution Foundation and Montreal Economic Institute to make a common cause to defend Canadians’ freedom to trade: One Country, One Market: United We Trade. Media Release Canadians are ready to bring down interprovincial trade barriers Halifax, November 28, 2017 – Canadians are unequivocal: 89% think [...]