The Life Sciences Industry of Tomorrow: Healthy Canadians, Healthy Future
The Life Sciences Industry of Tomorrow: Healthy Canadians, Healthy Future Pamela C. Fralick President, Innovative Medicines Canada The life sciences are innovating at an unprecedented pace, is government policy keeping up or holding us back? The Atlantic Institute for Market Studies, in collaboration with Innovative Medicines Canada, is proud to present The Life Sciences Industry of Tomorrow: Healthy Canadians, Healthy Future. Whether it's artificial [...]
Alex Whalen on CTV Atlantic
On January 17th, 2018, Operations Manager Alex Whalen appeared on CTV Atlantic for an interview discussing the release of a study he co-authored on liquor monopolies. Watch the full interview here:
Alex Whalen on Sheldon MacLeod Show
On January 18th, 2018 at 1:00 PM Operations Manager Alex Whalen was featured on News 95.7 discussing liquor monopolies in Atlantic Canada and the latest study from AIMS.
Killing a Canadian Icon
By Sylvain Charlebois (AIMS Senior Fellow) Troy Media, 23 January 2018 Destroying Canadian icons seems to be a trend these days. In 2017, it was Sears. While employees were losing their pensions because of poor management, lawyers and consultants were receiving millions. Now, as minimum wage policies are slowly shifting across the nation, and not just in Ontario, Alberta and [...]
AIMS Featured on VOCM discussing Liquor Distribution
January 22nd, 2018: Listen to the full segment here
Liquor Stores
Alberta turned its liquor stores over to private retailers 25 years ago Today, there are more workers in more stores selling more products to Albertans at prices that are generally lower than they are in other parts of Canada. The local brewing and distilling industry is larger as well, selling its craft beers, wines and liquor in Alberta [...]