AIMS Canada Summer Jobs Paper quoted in Calgary Herald
AIMS' study Rethinking Student Job Subsidies: The Case For Regional Equity in the Canada Summer Jobs Program was quoted in an article from the Calgary Herald discussing federal grant money allocation. Read here:
Reform is needed to the Canada Summer Jobs
AIMS VP Alex Whalen joined the Sheldon MacLeod Show to discuss AIMS' latest study Rethinking Student Job Subsidies: The Case For Regional Equity in the Canada Summer Jobs Program and why the Canada Summer Jobs program should be reformed. Listen here:
Celebrate labour, not labour unions
By Matthew Lau (AIMS Author) Labour Day is a day, as its name suggests, to celebrate labour. This is entirely appropriate; labour is a necessary input for the production of goods and services on which our standards of living rely. We make a mistake, however, when the celebration is of labour unions instead of the workers who supply the labour. [...]
Rethinking Student Job Subsidies: The Case For Regional Equity in the Canada Summer Jobs Program
The Canada Summer Jobs Program is the federal government’s primary initiative for subsidizing work for the student-age population during off months at educational institutions. Recently, the program has come under scrutiny for Ottawa’s decision to impose a values test on recipient organizations, bringing the program unprecedented public attention. This paper reviews the national jobs program through a different lens: [...]
AIMS VP comments on Saint John road toll proposal
AIMS Vice President, Alex Whalen, expressed views on the Saint John road toll proposal in the Telegraph Journal. Read the article here:
Eliminating bridge toll bad public policy, says AIMS VP
In an article by CBC PEI, AIMS VP Alex Whalen was quoted in regards to the Confederation Bridge's toll, saying any change in the contract with the company that operates the bridge would likely be costly for taxpayers and not a good idea from a public policy perspective. Read the article here: