There’s something to be said for budget simplicity
In this op-ed in the Halifax Chronicle-Herald, AIMS' author Don McIvar suggests complex provincial budgets should be clear, concise and transparent. Something he says they have been severely lacking in the past decade or so.
Educate kids for success
This is an edited excerpt from the speech by former Governor Jeb Bush to AIMS' 15th Anniversary event in Moncton. Bush uses his successful experience in Florida to provide tips on improving public education.
Putting public back in your school:
Halifax – There are new top high schools for the Anglophone and francophone systems in New Brunswick this year. Petitcodiac Regional School improves from a ‘B’ grade to a ‘B+’ to take the top spot in New Brunswick’s Anglophone sector. Last year’s top school, Upper Miramichi Regional High School in Boisetown, saw its grade fall from an ‘A’ to a [...]
Putting public back in your school:
Results for New Brunswick schools for AIMS' 8th Annual Report Card on Atlantic Canadian High Schools.