Tax breaks called best way to spur growth
In this article in the Telegraph Journal, AIMS Vice President Barbara Pike comments on tax based incentives in northern New Brunswick
The Public Voice in Education: Without School Boards, Where’s the Accountabilty?
This blog posting by AIMS contributor Paul W. Bennett discusses the role of the School Board and it's questionable future.
Nova Scotia terminal projects poised to land boatloads of public money
In this Letter to the Editor posted in the Cape Breton Post, AIMS President and CEO discusses Nova Scotias investment into three competing terminal projects.
Lobby group eyes Halifax office
This article in the Telegraph Journal looks at the potential of The Canadian Taxpayers Federation opening an office in Halifax which AIMS President and CEO believes will benefit Atlantic Canadians.
Think-tank urges N.S., N.B. to co-operate to improve power grid
This article in the Chronicle Herald, AIMS President and CEO comments on the planned annoucement regarding regional energy co-operation between Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.
Energy: Public-private agreement a good way to get electricity to market, says AIMS president
This article in the Telegraph Journal, AIMS President and CEO comments on the planned annoucement regarding regional energy co-operation between Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.