Note to premier: Get on with pension review
Four Nova Scotia MLAs were recently charged with various criminal offences related to a few thousand dollars. They were charged, but now the NS government won't look into look into historical spending without specific criminal complaints. Criminal complaints did not spur the initial review. AIMS President Charles Cirtwill explains why a review is necessary.
Editorial: Time to overhaul equalization
As the Ontario Chamber of Commerce joins Alberta in pushing for equalization reform, fellow critics wonder if Ottawa will finally listen to their concerns.
How Canada’s ‘haves’ get had
Kevin Libin references James Buchanan talk with AIMS - federal transfers were a good idea, but have gone bad due to the incentive structures within politics.
Five steps to fiscal sanity
In light of the New Brunswick government passing a new budget, AIMS President Charles Cirtwill reccomends clear understanding that the population is in decline. He suggest five steps to fiscal sanity.
In this commentary, John Risley discusses the decline of common sense and long-term thinking in the Western world. He writes that we need to reclaim our thinking skills to be competitive in the future.
Pensions in Crisis
In this commentary, Bill Black of New Start Nova Scotia addresses fact that 62% of Nova Scotians do not belong to a pension plan, and the high taxes aren’t helping. Black finds areas the government could cut down on bloated public sector pensions.