School Gyms and Snow Days
Paul Bennett - school house consulting - do kids in NB/NS get too many storm days?
Evictions, Biosolids and Snow Days
Paul Bennett with Schoolhouse Consulting chats with us on the motion on snow days at HRM school board tonight
Is The Education System Failing Students?
Callers react to the first snow storm of the season. Is the education system failing students?
Rescuing Special Needs Kids
Education options for special needs students in Nova Scotia- expanding the Nova Scotia Tuition Support Program.
Marking Stress
Michael Zwaagstra is a Manitoba high school teacher and AIMS Fellow in Common Sense Education. He is the co-author of "What's Wrong with our Schools and How We Can Fix Them."
Maritime Noon: Do high schools adequately prepare students for university?
Michael Zwaagstra, AIMS Fellow in Common Sense Education Reform argues that high schools do not adequatley prepare students for university.