For Immediate Release: AIMS launches bold new program to engage and inform students about liberty and the free market
AIMS launches AIMS on Campus to connect, inform and empower students who wish to learn more about liberty and the free market, and share that knowledge on campus.
Beacon- September 18, 2012
AIMS is bringing together leaders and policy makers from the private, public and non-profit sectors at the World Trade and Convention Centre for Open for Business- Creating Wealth Through Better Health, a conference that will change the way you look at healthcare.
School size debate tackles primary views
The trend of closing smaller schools and building supersized facilities in their place is ill-advised says AIMS President and CEO, Charles Cirtwill.
Want to kill equalization as we know it? Pit People and Towns against Provinces
In this op-ed, Juanita Spencer argues that shifting equalization funds from provinces to people would achieve our constitutional commitments and goals, and provide incentives encouraging local governments to meet local demands.
Curiosity Roams
Michael Zwaagstra, AIMS Fellow in Common Sense Education Reform discusses "no-zero" policies hitting several schools.
Canada’s Brand: Shining or Tarnished
AIMS Board Chair John Risley examines Canada's brand and looks specifically to the development of the Alberta oil sands.