For Immediate Release: Cutting through the edu-babble, a video series
AIMS in partnership with the Frontier Centre for public policy, released the first video in a series on education reform 'Common Sense Education.'
Crisis? What Crisis?
This paper, Crisis? What Crisis?, written by Ian Munro, examines the widely held view that there is a shortage of child care spaces in Nova Scotia. Munro provides a basic analysis of the supply-demand balance for child care spaces in Nova Scotia.
LEGER: Raising alarms on equalization, fairness and dependence
The current equalization formula expires next year. Think-tanks like the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies are churning out equalization alarms.
Economy, transit key areas of focus for Savage
Halifax Mayor Mike Savage mentions the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies's research on income-based property tax.
What is Muskrat Power Going to Cost?
In this AIMS commentary, Bill Black looks at the true costs of the Muskrat Falls power deal.
Observers Endorse Economic Union
Charles Cirtwill, president and CEO of the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies in Halifax, believes levels of economic cooperation between the Maritime provinces are increasing but there is lots of room for improvement.