Time to Rein In Public Education Spending
The Frontier Centre for Public Policy and Atlantic Institute for Market Studies released a study recently detailing the growth of public education spending in the provinces and territories.
The End of Canada’s Mission in Afghanistan
AIMS Senior Fellow in Security and Defense Robert Murray discusses ending Canada's mission in Afghanistan.
Atlantic Schooling Costs Too Much
AIMS Director of Research and Programmes Ben Eisen and University of Manitoba Professor Emeritus Rod Clifton discuss the cost of education in Atlantic Canada and argue that it is too high.
The Cost Disease Infects Public Education Across Canada
University of Manitoba Professor Emeritus Rod Clifton examines the cost of public education in the provinces and territories from 1999 to 2011, showing that the cost disease has infected it–albeit at different rates.
Press Release: Costs Soaring in Canada’s Schools
WINNIPEG, MB & HALIFAX, NS: A new study jointly published today by the Frontier Centre for Public Policy and the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies shows that per-pupil education costs are soaring all across Canada. As taxpayers shoulder an ever-increasing burden, there is little evidence that higher spending is producing better educational outcomes for Canadian students. In “The Cost Disease [...]
Newfoundland’s Departure From Protectionism a Positive Development
AIMS Policy Analyst Shaun Fantauzzo discusses Newfoundland and Labrador's decision to relinquish minimum processing requirements to secure freer trade with Europe, arguing that it is a step forward for the province.