Canada and the Question of Free Tuition After High School
AIMS Director of Research Ben Eisen participates in a debate on CBC's "The 180" about whether post-secondary education should be free in Canada. He argues that there are a number of harms associated with free tuition, namely the expense borne by taxpayers, and secondly, that removing a major source of funding from post-secondary institutions in the country may harm them.
School Busing Costs Challenged in AIMS Report
A report released by AIMS and authored by Paul Bennett and Derek Gillis outlines the rising cost of student transportation in the Maritimes, despite declining enrolment.
Reviving and Revising the Canada First Defense Strategy
AIMS research fellow Jeff Collins outlines the argument in favor of reviving and revising the Canada First Defense Strategy in this commentary published by the C2C Journal.
No-zero Policies Just As Misguided As Ever
AIMS Fellow in Education Policy Michael Zwaagstra discusses the ineffectiveness of no-zero policies in Newfoundland and Labrador's education system in this opinion piece published by the Telegram.
Building a Better Bus System
Paul Bennett and Derek Gillis, authors of the newly released AIMS policy study "Education on Wheels," discuss the findings of that paper in an opinion piece published by the Telegraph Journal.
Education on Wheels: Seizing Cost and Energy Efficiency Opportunities in Student Transportation
Paul Bennett of Schoolhouse Consulting and Derek Gillis, an independent research consultant, argue that public transportation costs are too high in the Atlantic region and outline the many ways in which provincial governments can reduce them.