Short of the Green: Golf as an Economic Development Tool on Prince Edward Island
Ian Munro, an independent public policy analyst born on Prince Edward Island (PEI), argues in this paper that PEI's efforts to bolster tourism on the Island using the golf industry have largely failed. He insists that the government made “tactical errors” and that it “relied on simplistic projections, while failing to consider risks and alternative scenarios.”
MEDIA RELEASE: New Study Analyzes PEI’s Golf Tourism Strategy
Halifax, NS (10 February 2015): A new research report from the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies (AIMS) shows that Prince Edward Island’s (PEI) golf development efforts, which were intended to boost tourism to the Island, were largely unsuccessful. The paper documents a number of reasons for the policy failure and offers lessons from the experience for governments on the Island and elsewhere. The paper’s [...]
Zero Gain
The Telegram's editorial board discusses an opinion piece authored recently by AIMS Fellow in Education Policy Michael Zwaagstra about no-zero education policies in Newfoundland and Labrador.
No-zero Policy Goose-egged by Educator, Author
Writing for the Pilot, Josh Pennell discusses an opinion piece authored by AIMS Fellow in Education Policy Michael Zwaagstra.
No-zero Schools = Bad Workers
In a letter to the editor of the Province, an individual from British Columbia discusses an opinion piece published by AIMS Fellow in Education Policy Michael Zwaagstra.
No-zero Policy Non-existent: Education Director
Writing for the Aurora Newspaper, Josh Pennell discusses a letter to the editor and an article quoting educator, author, and AIMS Fellow in Education Policy Michael Zwaagstra, who ridiculed the local policy of teachers not being able to give zeros or fail students for incomplete work.