Snowed-under Class Time Needs to be Addressed, Minister Says
On the heels of an opinion piece authored by Paul Bennett, New Brunswick's Minister of Education Serge Rouselle makes it a point to say that snow days have become an issue in the province and one that needs a solution sooner than later.
PEI Golf Has Important Lessons for All Provinces, Says Report
Times and Transcript reporter Cole Hobson discusses a paper that the Institute recently released, which its former Director of Research Ian Munro authored, that details PEI's golf tourism strategy and argues that it failed to make good use of taxpayer dollars on the Island. He outlines a number of useful lessons from which other provinces can learn.
Atlantic Provinces Look to Set Standard Public Sector Wages
NB reporter Adam Huras discusses a new development in Atlantic Canada, wherein the four provinces have begun inquiring into whether standardized public sector wage scales could help rationalize public spending in the region and he cites figures outlined in an AIMS report from 2014.
Selling Provincial Golf Courses “Takes Times”: Henderson
PEI Minister of Tourism Robert Henderson agrees with a new report published by the Institute arguing that the province made a mistake in getting into the golf game as an owner and operator.
As Golf Tourism Declines, PEI’s Government Struggles To Make Par
Globe and Mail columnist Jane Taber discusses a new report published by the Institute and authored by its former Director of Research Ian Munro, which analyzes PEI's golf tourism strategy and argues that it was a wasteful use of taxpayer dollars.
Blizzard Bags Make for a Smart Snow Day
AIMS author Paul Bennett outlines a strategy for reducing the prevalence of snow days in Nova Scotia, which entails preparing out-of-school work plans for students to complete from home.