The end of growth could mean the death of Davos Man
Now that the 45th Davos World Economic Forum is behind us for another year, the question is: Does Davos even matter anymore? Getting 2,500 top business and political leaders together each January in a resort in Switzerland isn’t a bad idea if they can give us outsiders an idea of how the world economy will do in the coming year. [...]
Mace, Not Mandate When Considering Electoral Reform
Kevin Vickers, famous for killing the Parliament Hill shooter in October 2014, was Canada’s last Sargent-at-Arms. The Sargent-at-Arms serves as custodian of the Mace, the symbol of the authority of the House. The Mace is formidable, and was originally meant as a weapon. When considering electoral reform as a means of bestowing greater authority upon governmental mandates, it is well [...]
Radio: Spending Problem
Our governments in Atlantic Canada spend more money than taxpayers can afford. Overspending means too much money from taxpayers goes to paying salaries instead of funding services we really need. Atlantic Canadians pay more taxes for more government workers than the national average. That's a fact costing us almost 2 billion dollars. If we just kept government spending [...]
AIMS contributes to Newfoundland & Labrador public sector discussion
Jerry Earle of the Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Public and Private Employees and Richard Alexander of the Newfoundland and Labrador Employers' Council. Listen to the Full Interview HERE.
Atlantic Canada must be told ‘no,’ or it will continue to decline
By David MacKinnon and Marco Navarro-Genie Even a brief glance at the economies of the Atlantic Region in early 2016 indicates that a time of reckoning is at hand. Deficits are growing and threaten to become solvency crises. Regional outmigration has slowed down but continues. Remittances from Western Canada are almost certainly falling rapidly. For these reasons, it is time [...]
Public sector cuts would provide savings, says AIMS
This article appeared on CBC News. A Halifax-based advocacy group says Newfoundland and Labrador should cut the number of its employees to deal with its significant fiscal challenges. Marco Navarro-Genie, president and CEO of the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies, said that his group found that Newfoundland and Labrador has more public workers per capita than most other provinces. "The [...]