Tom Tucker
Fellow in Natural Resource Policy Having Our Gas and Selling It Too Dr. Tucker holds a BS, MS and Ph.D from Michigan State University and an MBA from Lake Superior State University. He has extensive experience in the areas of government policy analysis and development, industrial development and benefits, strategic and operational planning, economic analysis and forecasting, business planning and [...]
AIMS 3rd Annual Report Card on Atlantic Canada’s High Schools
The AIMS 3rd Annual Report Card on Atlantic Canadian High Schools has been released and the grades aren’t much to brag about. Half of the 265 high schools assessed scored a C or C+ and less than 5% ranked an A or A+ grade. The news is better in Newfoundland & Labrador where 73% of schools have received the same [...]
Rick Audas
Rick Audas is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Administration at the University of New Brunswick. His areas of expertise include Labour and Regional Economics, with a particular emphasis on Human Capital accumulation among young people. He has published articles in Regional Studies, The Journal of Economics and Business, Managerial and Decision Economics and Economic Affairs and has co-authored [...]
Charles Cirtwill
Charles Cirtwill (BA, LLB, MPA - Dalhousie University) is a former President and CEO of the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies. His published works focus on government structure and organization, business-government relations, inter-governmental relations, performance measurement and accountability. He has spoken across Canada and the United States on the role of think tanks in society, the appropriate assessment of government activities and [...]
Brett Skinner
Brett J. Skinner is Manager of Pharmaceutical and Health Policy Research for The Fraser Institute. He is a PhD candidate in Public Policy and Political Science specializing in health policy at the University of Western Ontario (London) where he lectures in both the Faculty of Health Sciences and the Department of Political Science. He earned a BA (Hon) from the [...]
David Zitner
Fellow in Health Care Policy David Zitner, a family doctor, is Director of Medical Informatics at Dalhousie Medical School. He has been a member of the Physician Advisory Committee to the Canadian Institute for Health Information and was on the Federal/Provincial/Territorial Deputy Ministers of Health working group which produced "When Less is Better: Using Canada's Hospitals Efficiently". Dr. Zitner was [...]