Media Release: Atlantic Canada vs. New England tax comparison study
Halifax, NS – The Atlantic Institute for Market Studies (AIMS) today released a report about the differences in major tax rates in Atlantic Canada and New England – our nearest regional competitor – that have an impact on take-home pay, investment, and job creation.
I’ll Take New England Any Day!
This tax report is authored by Mark Milke, PhD. He analyzes the differences in major tax rates between Atlantic Canada and its nearest regional competitor — the New England states — for investment, jobs, and tax revenues. In general, these six U.S. states have a significant tax advantage on most measurements. As a "road map" for fiscal reform, the paper [...]
CBC is a “subsidized killer of newspapers,” especially local media
AIMS author Jackson Doughart was a guest on the Ezra Levant show on March 26, 2016. He discussed his article "How we can save journalism: Rein in the CBC," which appeared in the Financial Post. Full episode on TheRebel.Media.
Education fads do our kids no favours
AIMS Fellow Michael Zwaagstra argues that popular fads are no solution to the problems of education.
AIMS quoted by Globe, “Trudeau Budget”
By Bill Curry Last fall’s Liberal Party election platform is an obvious guide as to what the budget will contain. But much has changed since Oct. 19. Economists have repeatedly lowered their forecasts for economic growth and, as a result, the size of next year’s federal deficit is now expected to be three times as large as what the Liberals [...]
New England lawmakers propose seceeding from Eastern Time
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (Associated Press) -- As most Americans brace themselves for losing an hour of sleep this weekend, some corners of the country are considering bold alternatives to daylight saving time. California has a bill that would ask voters to abolish the practice of changing clocks twice a year. Lawmakers in Alaska and nearly a dozen other states are debating [...]