Solomon supports AIMS view on MSAs in the Post
In the ongoing MSA debate in the pages of both of Canada’s national newspapers (a debate sparked by AIMS reaction to a recent study by Evelyn Forget, Raisa Deber and Leslie Roos) Lawrence Solomon, an influential voice in the national debate on health reform, published an aggressive response to the characterization of MSAs as ‘zombies’ unworthy of serious consideration. Solomon argued that Deber and her colleagues “created a system of medical savings accounts so stupid in design that it would be guaranteed to fail.” Referring to an actuarial study of MSAs for Canada done by “Milliman & Robertson, one of the world's premier actuarial firms”, which showed that the approach would indeed work- and work impressively, Solomon went on to detail just one example of what a real MSA plan would look like. All Canadians -- young or old, sick or healthy – would receive a tailor-made health-care allowance from the government that would be more than they'd ordinarily need to meet their routine heal