Qu’est-ce qui est public? Qu’est-ce qui est privé?
En quoi est-ce important?
By Atlantic Institute for Market Studies| 2006-08-18T00:00:00+00:00 August 18th, 2006|Media Releases|
En quoi est-ce important?
By Atlantic Institute for Market Studies| 2006-08-18T00:00:00+00:00 August 18th, 2006|Media Releases|
And why does it matter?
By Atlantic Institute for Market Studies| 2016-03-17T17:58:03+00:00 August 17th, 2006|In the Media|
In this exclusive comment to The Globe and Mail, AIMS Fellow in Health Care Policy, Dr. David Zitner, points out people are more important than medicare. He delivers a message to delegates of the upcoming CMA convention, don't confuse care with delivery. Zitner reminds doctors their first obligation is to do no harm to their patients, not to government programs.
By Atlantic Institute for Market Studies| 2006-08-14T00:00:00+00:00 August 14th, 2006|In the Media|
As campaigning begins in earnest in New Brunswick, this editorial in the provincial edition of the Telegraph - Journal urges the political leaders to listen to AIMS. The editor says education should be at the forefront of the election campaign, and the debate should be about how the government spends its education dollars, not how much it spends.
By Atlantic Institute for Market Studies| 2016-03-17T17:56:59+00:00 August 11th, 2006|In the Media|
A Statistics Canada study on education spending prompted AIMS vice president Charles Cirtwill to look beyond the dollars and cents. In this opinion piece which appeared in the Telegraph-Journal he explains it's not how much you spend, but how you spend it.
By Atlantic Institute for Market Studies| 2006-08-11T00:00:00+00:00 August 11th, 2006|In the Media|
With a provincial election called in New Brunswick reporters turn to potential issues and among the most pressing is education. In this front page article, reporter David Shipley turned to AIMS for insight and was told voters should look beyond the dollars to the results when considering education policy.
By Atlantic Institute for Market Studies| 2016-03-17T17:56:32+00:00 August 9th, 2006|In the Media|
While provincial governments were patting their backs following the release of a Statistics Canada report that shows provinces are spending more on education, AIMS VP Charles Cirtwill went beyond the cash. In this article, he says it's time to stop counting the cash and start measuring the results.
By Atlantic Institute for Market Studies| 2006-08-04T00:00:00+00:00 August 4th, 2006|In the Media|
A Statistics Canada study shows Nova Scotia is spending less per child on education that the national average, but as AIMS vice president Charles Cirtwill points out in this newspaper article, money isn't the issue. He says it's time to look at how we spend the money on education, not how much money we spend.
By Atlantic Institute for Market Studies| 2006-08-03T00:00:00+00:00 August 3rd, 2006|In the Media|
When Moody's upgraded Nova Scotia's credit rating, the Chronicle-Herald turned to AIMS president Brian Lee Crowley to explain what the upgrade actually means. He pointed out that while it shows there is some improvement, it doesn't mean the province's financnes are being well-managed from the point of view of taxpayers.
By Atlantic Institute for Market Studies| 2016-03-17T17:55:39+00:00 July 29th, 2006|In the Media|
In this article that appeared in the Toronto Star, Brian Ferguson takes a look at a national pharmacare program and how to pay for it. It's a plan that could be used for more than just pharmaceuticals, if, as he suggests, Canadians acknowledge that while the government may pay the bills for health care, it uses our money to do so.